Continuing the saga of The Form Benders, The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing, our hero Ripley finds himself in a new form with new trials to face as he navigates the magical world of the Form Benders in the sequel: The Form Benders, The Bear Essentials. The life-stealing poison from the bite of the Aldrich threatens to take the life of their beloved Whitemane. Ripley, Malador, Oren, Skerrin, Papa Johns and Revelan join ranks and set out to find the mysterious Kirradar--a legendary tribe living in the high country above Haven's Rest. Trapped in his new form, Ripley must traverse the Sierra Nevada Mountain range with his companions in an effort to find the elusive Kirradar. It is rumored that they know of an antidote that can save Whitemane from certain death. Meet new characters and explore Ripley's magical world.
Keeping the legend alive and writing a good sequel means that it has to be a "stand alone" book. In other words, if I pick up this book never having read the first book, it will not rely on the first book for the storyline. I've done my best to make the second book as stand alone as the first in the series.
As a writer, we need to make each book as exciting and interesting as the last. Keep the action moving and don't let any moss grow on those proverbial sentences as you let your story unfold. And as always, best of luck...and keep writing!
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